Thursday 3 March 2016

Milton, Ulladulla, Kings Point & Mogo NSW

Unfortunately a camera malfunction stopped us getting any photos in the historic township of Milton  (est 1860) which is situated on the Princess Highway not far north of Ulladulla,.

We wandered along the main street and browsed most of the trendy and expensive me how these places pay and if people really want to buy the "different" things to take back to their homes after their holidays.

We then drove inland a fair way and ended up half way up a mountain, think it was called Monkey Mountain and I am not sure why. The road was terrible and as we seemed to be getting more and more into a wilderness area we turned around and beat a hasty much for our adventurous spirit.

We spent the next day in and around Ulladulla returning to Dolphin Point at low tide which was amazing.
Discovering Kings Point another highlight, its a small settlement on the other end of Burrill Lake, a very pretty spot.

After leaving Ulladulla to slowly make our way towards home we stopped at Mogo, another "historic" township, sadly full of shops selling Indonesian wares and not much else! Once a prosperous gold rush town now a sad shadow grabbing tourists when it can. Trev did have a yummy rocky road  ice-cream there which was a bonus on a stinking hot day.

When we arrived back at the Narooma Island View Resort is was sort of like coming home so settled in easily and it was lovely to see Carol and Fred a lovely couple we met in Ulladulla here too.
Fred and Trevor are planning fishing trips together...Carol and I are not!...

The weather forecast tells us that its going to be hot hot and hot, so we will be staying put and relaxing for at least the next week.

I think the camera problems are sorted, will post what I have, faults and all xox

Colourful Loos  

Just beyond Ulladulla Harbour at dusk

Another glimpse of the harbour from the caravan park

Sea pool Ulladulla Harbour

Amazing rock shelf at low tide, Dolphin Point

Abundant life in every corner

Lucky shot

Incredible natural  rock formation that looks like man made bricks

All those swimming lessons paid off

Beautiful spot at Kings Point

Ulladulla Lighthouse

Historic Mogo

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